Privacy Policy

  1. We place a high value on protecting the privacy of participants and their families
  2. Snack collects names and contact details for those who join our mailing list (online or at an event) and for those who purchase products directly from us. We take photos at our events and often keep these indefinitely for our archives and for marketing purposes
  3. When taking photos at an event involving Snack, we avoid taking, and will not keep photos that show the faces of under 18s in an identifiable way. Photos of any children are not kept for personal use or shown publicly without permission arranged in writing between the hosting church/ministry and the Snack Gig Coordinator. Photos with the backs of heads are OK
  4. Any contact details collected (including mailing list sign up at an event or conference) are entered into Snack's database then any extra copies are destroyed
  5. Individuals have a right to request access to the information Snack holds about them, to correct that information and to have that information removed from Snack's database. Just email us at
  6. Snack uses popular, secure and reputable third-party providers for managing email communications. Access to these accounts is limited to the necessary members of the Snack team. The providers are not necessarily in Australia
  7. Any Snack database that may include contact details for children (e.g. general mailing list, but not church/performance contacts) are only be made accessible to those who need the details for Snack's marketing and communication purposes
  8. Individual follow up of participants must only occur in partnership with the church/ministry that Snack met the participant through. All other follow up of children must only be in the context of general promotions and communication (e.g. mailing lists, Facebook posts where under 18s have 'liked' the Snack page)

Updated 2020-07-14