Our Story

Here's some of our story! You can also meet the team or see more photos

Post Lockdowns...

Having only done a few online 'gigs' through the worst bits of COVID, we started back to some more familiar types of ministry events!

Excited to be Invited Release

After a long break without any new songs, Snack is excited to invite you to listen and use Excited to be Invited (the banquet parable of Luke 14)

First Excitement Meeting

After a few changes to group members, Snack started a new structure with various teams for each of our main activities (creating, performing, distributing, training) overseen by the new Excitement (a bit like a board, but more fun!)

10th Birthday Grants

To celebrate Snack's 10th birthday, we awarded a total of $2000 in donations to some local ministries.


Four Plus Three Album Release

Four Plus Three Album Release

Snack's fourth album, kind of... also our third full album, hence the name! There were also 4+3 people in the band at the time, and the first track is 7 Days in the Life of God

Tasmanian Tour

Tasmanian Tour

Including Devonport, Edith Creek, Launceston and Kings Meadows.

First School Gig

Snack's dream of playing in state schools, ever-complicated by a number of the band being full time primary school teachers and workers, came to pass for a few years, one day each December.

Live on Light FM

Snack played "The Greatest Present" live on Melbourne's Light FM radio station - our first time on radio.

Biggest Gig (so far)

Appearing as an item in the Salvation Army's Our Christmas Gift concert, this was our biggest gig to date with some 3000 people in the Melbourne Convention Centre. Chris played drums with a plaster cast on his wrist.

You Are Welcome Mini Album Release

This mini album of four tracks celebrated our trip to the Philippines, including some songs we'd played there plus a special Tagalog (Filipino) language recording of Tuloy Tuloy (On & On). The You Are Welcome CD included videos from Linda Bailey and Peter Lusk, as well as a narrated animation by Snack.


First Inclusion on a Compilation

ACCESS ministries included two Snack songs on a compilation CD they produced



Snack journeyed to Manila in the Philippines for two weeks to work with International Needs Philippines and support the work they were doing.

For 8 days in September, Snack travelled around the Philippines on our first international mission trip. Holly, Jesse, Ruth, Brendan, Chris, Warren, Dwayne, Sarah and Linda Bailey (our International Needs Australia representative).


First Online Training Videos

Snack began recorded videos of actions and other training material, to help equip and resource those in ministry with children.

First Interstate Gig

While some members had already been travelling to various Australian children's ministry expos and conferences to run training and sell resources, this was our first trip with the whole band. Chris the drummer enjoyed the long drive from Melbourne to Brisbane with a car full of instruments!

First Digital Distribution

Snack's songs first appeared on the iTunes store. They are now available on all popular digital music platforms.

Victorian Tour

Victorian Tour

Our first tour included Moe, Wangaratta, Horsham, Boort and Bendigo.

CDs on sale in bookstores

CDs on sale in bookstores

Various small and large Christian Bookstores started stocking Snack's products.

Oh Have You Heard? Album Launch

Oh Have You Heard? Album Launch

Launch Oh Have You Heard? Album video and stories, photos

New Costumes

New Costumes

It was time to look a bit more professional and make the most of our colours!

First Training Workshop

As part of a children's ministry training event, we ran a workshop on using music with children. Training has since become one of Snack's key activities and ways of helping resource those in ministry.

First Regional Gig

First Regional Gig

Our first gig outside of Melbourne: a weekend in Castlemaine.

Mini CD

Craig, a close supporter and family member of Snack, was working in children's ministry resourcing and had an idea for us to get into interactive media. The Snack Mini CD "You're A Star!" contained two of Snack's songs, games, 21 Bible stories (paraphrased for younger readers) and interactive lessons which explore aspects of who Jesus is. In the years since its release, we sold or give away more than 10,000 copies.

More Songwriting, More Gigs

More Songwriting, More Gigs

With more live appearances in churches, children's ministry conferences and even a school fete through the first half of 2006, we started generating more creative ideas for songs and began work towards a second album.

First Ever Gig

First Ever Gig

But that wasn't that... we were asked to play live for an end of year kids church break up. We said "no, we don't do that." But God (and the local church pastor inviting us) had other plans, and eventually we agreed to the opportunity, pulling in some extra musicians to fill out the extra parts we'd done ourselves on the recording. The gig was great fun, successful and helped us see the longer journey that God was unfolding ahead of us.

Star In God's Eyes Album Release

Star In God's Eyes Album Release

With eight songs recorded, a name and a logo, Snack's Star In God's Eyes CD was released. Friends of Snack, those who had contributed ideas and other members of the McCrae SUFM team enthusiastically purchased, promoted and enjoyed getting to know the new songs. On track to achieve our fundraising goal, we thought that was that...

Getting the Name

With enough songs written to now to do a one-off album recording, it was time to decide on a name for the group. With a lengthy shortlist of ideas, each was ruled out for some reason or another. Eventually the only name remaining was one initially suggested as a joke, based on a particular variety of chocolate which had (though no intentional planning on the group's part) happened to be present at each meeting so far. Snack Music had a name!

Second Songwriting Session

Second Songwriting Session

Though it was an open invite to be involved in the project, it was again Ruth, Jesse, Holly and Brendan who turned up for the second song writing date. They thought this was interesting... and perhaps the start of a journey together as a group.

Many more fun times, new song ideas and chocolate.

First Songwriting Session

Not quite knowing the journey that was beginning, Ruth, Jesse, Holly and Brendan got together to write some songs for children. They had two goals - to help provide new resources to those working in mission contexts and to record a CD to raise some funds for McCrae SUFM which they had all recently been part of.

They enjoyed some fresh scones and got several songs half-written.